10 Magazine cover in collaboration with Cartier - Issue 22, 2023

5 self portraits wearing Cartier

The Park Darlinghurst - Menu & Drink coaster 2021

Mecca Cosmetica - In store Event 2021 with artist Charlie Bennell

Dazed Shirts - Collaboration with Charlie Bennell , Screen printed by us on AS Colour shirts 2019-2021

UTS Vertigo Magazine

ISO shoot series - photographed by Tor Wills, drawings by Dash Og and modeled / curated by me

Music Album Covers & Music Videos

Barley Passable

All I Have - 2020 - full visual created by me


Album Cover - Revealed - 2020

Album Cover - Stare - 2020

advertisement - Video work

Bella Weiss

Album Cover - The Ropes - 2020

advertisement - video work
